10 times beautiful blue flowering garden plants

In nature we see both blue in the sky and the water, but with the plants there is less choice in this beautiful color. Nevertheless, also below are 10 interesting blue flowering plants that can also increase the richness of colors in your garden. Take a quick look to see if your favorite blue plant is also listed or find an addition that is perfect for your garden.

The agave is certainly not a common garden plant, but you can now see the large plant more often in sheltered places in gardens where there is room for them. The agave species with their sturdy blue leaves that are covered with large spines come from Mexico and they should definitely be in full sun in our country. Shelter is needed in winter. In a tub or large pot, they are also a jewel in the garden or on your terrace.

Height: 1 meter
When to sow agave: plant in spring
Flowering time: Not applicable
Latin name: Agave
Plant type: drought plant
Tequila is made from the leaves of some types of agave. The sturdy leaves are also used to make rope or mats.

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Pink flowering plants for the garden, these are the 10 nicest

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These are the 10 most beautiful red flowering plants for the garden

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