These are the 10 most beautiful red flowering plants for the garden

Warm colors belong in every garden and red is a color that appeals to all of us because of its symbolism. Below are 10 beautiful red flowering plants for your garden.

This plant is also known as spur flower. In France you can see these beautiful red flowers everywhere in nature. Sometimes they seem to just jump out of the rocks. In our country, they are popular in rock gardens. The spur flower grows effortlessly in poor soil. A feral species occurs in some places in our country.

Height: 30-80 centimeters
When to sow red valerian: spring
Flowering time: May to June
Latin name: Centranthus Ruber
Plant type: perennial
The red valerian is one of the easiest plants in the garden. Give it a spot in the sun or partial shade and you don’t have to do anything about it.

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